Україна єдина #UAРАЗОМ

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Physiotherapy department

The department is an integral part of the treatment process for the vast majority of both inpatients and outpatients.

The list of types of procedures provided in the PTD of the hospital (with a polyclinic) of the State Institution "TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kyiv"

Electrotherapy (galvanization and medicinal electrophoresis, therapy with diadynamic and sinusoidal modulated currents, pulsed current electrophoresis, electrical stimulation, ultrathon therapy, and darsonvalization)

Magnetotherapy and magneto-laser therapy

High-frequency electromagnetic fields (UHF therapy, SMH therapy)

Treatment with mechanical vibrations (ultrasound and ultraphonophoresis)

Phototherapy (light treatment) - ultraviolet irradiation, infrared irradiation, laser irradiation

Aerosol therapy

Heat treatment (ozokerite-paraffin treatment)

Massage and physical therapy

Reflexology and manual therapy

Shower - underwater massage - improves blood supply to the skin and hemodynamics in general, improves metabolism, and trophic function promotes rapid resorption of tissue edema and joint sweating, hemorrhage, and accelerates the recovery of motor function. In warm water, there is a relaxation of muscles, a decrease in reflex excitability, analgesic effect.

Hydrolase shower - improves immunity, has a stimulating effect on the circulatory system, normalizes blood pressure and venous pressure, strengthens the vessels of the lower extremities (prevention of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis), gives an unsurpassed cosmetic effect, promotes weight loss and cellulite resorption, has an antidepressant and anti-stress effect;

Whirlpool bath for the limbs - normalization of muscle tone of the lower extremities, "removal of leg fatigue", increasing the overall performance and resistance of the body. Improving blood circulation in the legs, improving lymphatic drainage in the lower extremities, pelvic organs, and the body as a whole.

Pressotherapy (lymphatic drainage) - helps to get rid of cellulite. It is an effective method of figure correction. It is a great way to restore the firmness and elasticity of aging skin. Helps to normalize blood circulation. It is a kind of massage that helps to relax muscles. After the procedure, the swelling disappears. Skin cells are nourished, and tissues are saturated with oxygen. The mood rises. The skin acquires a natural shade. Heaviness in the legs is eliminated.

Color therapy (chromotherapy) is a direction that uses the influence of colors through the eye and skin, it stimulates our nervous and endocrine systems, which stimulate our life processes.

Skeletal traction of the spine ("dry") - is one of the methods of fractional therapy to unload the spine, relieve muscle spasms, reduce the muscle contracture, reduce intradiscal pressure, increase the height between the vertebral disc, release the pressure of the nerve structures of the spine.

Quantum chamber (infrared sauna) - one of the main features of the infrared sauna is that it improves, stimulates, and tones the activity of the whole organism, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal system and improves overall well-being. The immune system works more efficiently, and the body's resistance to diseases increases. Taking procedures in the infrared sauna has an excellent cosmetic effect. Also, the deep penetration of infrared radiation can effectively fight cellulite, splitting its subcutaneous deposits consisting of water, fat, and toxins.

Hydro colon therapy (bowel cleansing, intestinal lavage) - experts recommend hydro colon therapy to those who have problems with the large intestine, as the accumulation of toxins prevents such people from living full life. Nutritionists are also delighted with hydro colon therapy, as after 5-7 procedures, a person's weight decreases by an average of 3-5 kilograms. And if you stick to the right diet, the results are even more impressive!

Thermomyostimulation on the apparatus "Nuga-best" - is based on the principles of Eastern and Western medicine: reflexology, acupressure, and heating with long-wave infrared rays. In addition, the equipment performs gentle stretching of the spine

Shock wave therapy - under the action of a shock wave, the mechanical properties of tissues change, and bone calcifications and connective tissue growth in tendons and fascia are destroyed. Also, the recovery processes in tissues are enhanced, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects occur, and pain quickly decreases and disappears. Shock wave therapy is considered an alternative method of surgical intervention for injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Medical services of the physiotherapy department are provided qualitatively and at an affordable price.

Contact phones:

483-16-92 or  483-81-85


(с) 2024

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